Tag: Summer

32 Lessons I’ve Learned after Turning 32

Hello my friends! I’m back on the blog! As you may have noticed already, this summer has been a very busy period for me (usually I would post once every two weeks but I dropped that cadence to around once a month now). I’m probably going back to the two-weeks schedule very soon, since I ...

Rooftop Days x Seattle Gents

Hello my friends! I’m back on the blog! It was mainly because of traveling, but this summer, I decided to take a small break from the blog to really enjoy my summer and do more activities outside. If you guys remember, one of my New Year’s resolutions was to learn when to take a break ...

Rodd and Gunn Grand Opening x Seattle Gents

Hey friends! Happy Wednesday! We’re a little over two weeks into June already, and the temperatures here in Seattle have gotten HOT. Just past week we hit 90F degrees for the first time this year (94F actually) and with all this sunshine and heat, I’m going to have to say that I’m ready for summer. ...

The Great PNW

Hey hey! How are things going with you guys? Another month goes by, and without noticing, we are almost half-way through the year already. Crazy, isn’t it? It feels like just a couple weeks ago I was writing you about my New Year’s resolutions, and almost in the blink of an eye, we’ve turned the ...