Tag: Club Monaco

Emerald Snow

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Not so very often do we get big snow events here in Seattle, and this past weekend we got between 3-7 inches of snow in the central Puget Sound region. To many people that live in the Northeast or Midwest that’s probably not news worthy, but here in the Emerald City, ...

The Taste of Fall

Hello my friends! I’m back from my trip to Mexico and I have to say that even though I had a blast during my recruiting trip, I really missed the Pacific Northwest this past week. We’re exactly four days away from the fall equinox, and almost like clockwork, it really started to feel like fall ...

Roses All Summer (Intern Vogue 2017)

Hi everyone! It’s me again, Geek Q, did you miss me? Today in the morning, when I walked out the door I felt a crisp, cool breeze which could only mean one thing: fall is around the corner! My favorite season of the whole year is about to arrive in the Pacific Northwest, and even though we had ...

Thrift Shopping

Hello folks! How is everyone doing? I hope your weeks are turning out exactly the way you planned them, and if they aren’t, don’t worry; always take the time to re-plan to keep going in the right direction, re-focus your energies, and continue towards your goal. It’s something that has always worked for me, and ...