London Calling

Last post, I told you guys that I would like to live in London sometime in my life. You know, there are just some places that you just get the feeling they are going to be important to you for some reason, and that’s the way I feel about London. Maybe it’s because of all the similarities that I can find between London and my current city of Seattle. They both have damp, cool weather almost yearlong, and it’s rainy or cloudy most of the time. The people are determined; friendly but not overtly enthusiastic or too crazy when meeting new people. They both are music hubs to the world and have been hosts to some of the most iconic bands and artists we’ve ever heard (like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix, among others). Even lately with all the popularity the lumberjack, hipster culture is gaining not only in America, but in the rest of the world, they are both really important cities to the fashion industry.

One thing I love about London’s style, especially the street, everyday style of London people, is how simple, yet elegant they manage to look. For real guys, there’s an easiness and coolness with London street style that just goes with the flow, looks effortlessly well put on, and seems to work for any type of event. Let’s take a look, for instance, at this London-inspired attire that I wore to work this past week. One of the most distinguishable elements of London street style is the iconic trench coat. It works anytime, anywhere, and just gives a really polished, elegant feel to the overall look. Besides, it will look really good with any discrete ensemble you wear below. I chose another icon of British style, the polo shirt, to go underneath the coat, and a gray sweater just to meet the 3-layer rule and keep myself warm during winter. I’m also wearing a pair of Chelsea boots, highly popularized by The Beatles during the 1960s. Finally I’m carrying my laptop bag that I use for work, which once appeared in one of my Instagram photos and a lot of people seemed to like it. What do you think? Are you getting the London calling vibe from this look?

What’s most interesting about this outfit is that all of the pieces were bought in America. That’s right, none of this is really British per se (Topman is a shop from London but most of the clothes are made in other countries). Even though this outfit might shout out some British or European brands (Burberry, Lacoste, Ted Baker, Ben Sherman, etc.) it can all be bought in the average American mall, and it’s also way less expensive than the European brands. I hope you guys liked this post, and let me know in the comments if you want me to explore other city or country-inspired looks. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for reading. Till next time!



En mi último post, les platiqué que algún día me gustaría vivir en Londres. Ya saben, hay ciertos lugares que simplemente sientes tendrán una gran importancia a lo largo de tu vida y esa es la forma en que yo me siento acerca de la capital inglesa. Quizás es por todas las similitudes que hay entre Londres y mi actual ciudad de Seattle. Las dos tienen un clima fresco y húmedo casi todo el año, y está nublado o lluvioso la mayor parte del tiempo. Su gente tiene mucha determinación; son amigables pero no extremadamente entusiastas al conocer a alguien nuevo. Las dos son capitales de la música y han sido hogar de grandes bandas y artistas (Los Beatles, Los Rolling Stones, Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix, entre otros). Y últimamente con la popularidad que ha ido obteniendo la cultura hipster lumberjack no sólo en América sino en el resto del mundo, las dos son de gran importancia para la industria de la moda.

Una de las cosas que más amo de Londres, especialmente del estilo cotidiano del día a día de los londinenses, es lo simple y elegante que se logran ver todo el tiempo. Es en serio, hay una facilidad y buena vibra en el estilo de las calles de Londres que simplemente fluye, se ve muy sencillo y funciona para cualquier tipo de eventos. Veamos, por ejemplo, este atuendo inspirado en Londres que utilicé para ir al trabajo esta semana. Uno de los elementos más distintivos del estilo londinense es la icónica gabardina. Se ve bien dónde sea y cuándo sea, y da un feeling de elegancia a cualquier look. Esa es la pieza principal del conjunto, y se verá bien con casi cualquier atuendo discreto que gustes ponerte debajo de la misma. Yo elegí otro ícono de la cultura inglesa, la camiseta polo, para vestir debajo de la gabardina junto con un suéter de un sólo botón para cumplir con la regla de las 3 capas y no tener frío en invierno. También porto un par de botas tipo Chelsea, las cuales se volvieron extremadamente populares gracias a la banda de los Beatles en los 60s. Por último traigo mi maletín que uso para cargar la laptop en el trabajo, el cual recibió muy buenos comentarios en una foto que subí alguna vez a Instagram. ¿Qué dicen? ¿Les parece suficientemente londinense este look?

Lo más interesante de este atuendo es que todas las piezas fueron compradas en Estados Unidos. Así es, ninguna de estas prendas es realmente inglesa per se (Topman es una tienda de Londres, pero la mayoría de la ropa está hecha en otros países). Y aunque este outfit grite el nombre de algunas conocidas marcas inglesas y europeas por todos lados (Burberry, Lacoste, Ted Baker, Ben Sherman, etc.) todo puede ser comprado en el mall Americano promedio y es mucho más barato que las marcas europeas. Espero que les haya gustado mucho este post y si tienen alguna sugerencia de alguna moda de una ciudad o país que quieren que explore déjenmelo saber en los comentarios. Gracias por visitar y muchas gracias por leer. ¡Nos vemos la próxima vez!

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Trench coat Topman (Similar also by Topman, British similar by Burberry), Polo shirt American Eagle (European similar by Lacoste), Sweater Topman (British similar by Ted Baker), Jeans Abercrombie and Fitch, Commuter bag Aldo (Similar also by Aldo, British similar by Ben Sherman), Shades Ray-Ban (Similar also by Ray-Ban), Chelsea boots Aldo (Similar also by Aldo, British similar by Ben Sherman)

  1. Siempre tan guapo y el outfit perfecto (como siempre).
    Yo me apunto, Londres llama.

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Vamos!!! Muchas gracias por tus comentarios Alice hermosa <3!! Ya nos vi en el Tower Bridge y el Palacio de Buckingham 😀



  2. Nice choices!

    I have some friends around London. I plan on making my way there in 2016!

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Thank you!! I have some friends there as well! I hope I can visit sooner than that 🙂 thanks for the comments and for reading!

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Thanks for referring this post! I’m in love with the styling! It’s something about the British people, they carry so much class and tradition. I love their style from the good old country to the edgy streets of London. I could totally see you fitting in there!

    Liked by 1 person


    1. I know right?! So classy and traditional, I love that about their style. Thanks for visiting and for checking out this post :). Let me know if you want me to explore another city’s/country’s style. I was suggested Turkey on Facebook.

      Liked by 1 person


      1. Wait yes do that! I am in a class on Turkey right now! Istanbul is fabulous because it’s both in Asia and Europe! So their lifestyle comes from both the eastern and western cultures! You could totally incorporate that! Can’t wait to read it if you do😊

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Your boots are great! Love its color and cut, they pull the entire outfit together. Great job!

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Thanks!! I’m in love with them, hopefully I can pull off another outfit with them as well because they are very versatile. Thank you for reading!



  5. I love you bag! And the colour of the trench coat! Girls need both of those items too haha!

    X, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Thanks!! I’m all about more neutral colors this season and gray has been a homerun for the outfits where I added it to the palette. And yes! This would look really cool on a girl too, I love when girls pull a little more masculine style into their outfit. The trench coat would definitely work! Thanks for reading and stopping by!



  6. If I had a boyfriend this is something I would ask him to wear! I absolutely love the trench coat and shoes!

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Thank you very much!! Hehe yeah it’s a timeless classic combo 🙂 thanks for visiting!!



  7. […] has been one of my most frequent go-to’s this spring season. Perhaps you remember it from the London Calling post. It’s one of my favorite outerwear pieces because of it’s versatility. It looks […]



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