Black on Black (Back to School)

Sometimes I get the feeling that I want to go back to school. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and it’s amazing to continue growing in my professional career. However, from time to time I miss the experience that is going to school: learning new things from my professors every day, knowing new people which are also eager to learn, and gosh, I even miss that first day of school when you’re super excited about getting to your early morning class and you can’t sleep the night before just thinking about what to wear. First impressions are very important, and you always want to look best when introduced to people.

The other day I paid a visit to the University of Washington with my family (they came to visit me in Seattle after our trip to NYC) and I just felt really nostalgic about my high school and college years. It was in fact the first day of school, so blue-and-gold pendants were hanging from the beautiful Suzzallo library opening their doors to a new batch of students. I really can’t describe how pretty the UW campus is. Note to myself: I’m coming back in spring and I’m doing a post on the UW during spring, because when the cherry trees start to blossom it really is magical. I love how the university grounds get filled with such amazing colors and beauty. It’s not bad during the winter though (just a little bit wet, that’s all) and during this visit I really felt like a student once again.

For the occasion, I decided to wear black on black, black leather jacket with black pants. I love this combination, it’s subtle yet youthful, and totally appropriate for the rainy season. To complement the monochromatic look, I decided to wear a white Henley with a hint of navy blue which can be seen peeking from underneath the jacket’s sleeves. Pair this with some nice sunnies and a scout backpack and you’ll completely look like a student, like me. What do you guys think? Does someone else miss their school days as much as I do? Who knows, I might be walking through these corridors soon. I’ve thought about maybe signing up for a master degree on my free time without having to stop working. Or maybe just take a break from work for a while and dedicate 100% to school. I’ll continue thinking about these possibilities. At least this time, if I go back to school, I’ll know exactly what to wear. 



En ocasiones me dan ganas de regresar a la escuela. No me lo tomen a mal, me encanta mi trabajo y creo que es muy importante para mí el seguir creciendo en mi carrera professional. No obstante, de tiempo en tiempo en verdad extraño la experiencia de ir a clases: el aprender cosas nuevas de mis profesores día a día, el conocer gente nueva que también está ansiosa por aprender y no miento, hasta extraño ese primer día de clases en el que te encuentras tan emocionado la noche anterior por descrifrar qué te vas a poner que ni siquiera puedes pegar el ojo. Las primeras impresiones son importantes y siempre quieres verte mejor cuando te vas a introducir a nuevas personas.

El otro día me di una vuelta por la Universidad de Washington con mi familia (ellos vinieron a visitarme a Seattle después de nuestro viaje a Nueva York) y en verdad me pegó la nostalgia tan sólo con pensar en aquellos años de preparatoria y carrera. De hecho, era el primer día del ciclo escolar, así que enormes banderines en color azul y oro colgaban de la hermosa librería Suzzallo para darle la bienvenida a los nuevos alumnos. No puedo describir con palabras lo bello que es el campus de la UW. Nota para mí: voy a regresar en primavera y haré un post sobre la UW en esa época, porque es cuando los cerezos empiezan a florecer y es realmente mágico. Me encanta como los campos de la Universidad se visten de hermosos colores y belleza. No está tan mal en invierno (sólo un poco húmedo, es todo) y durante esta visita en verdad me sentí como si fuera un estudiante nuevamente.

Para la ocasión, decidí vestir una combinación negro sobre negro: chamarra negra de piel con pantalones negros. Me encanta este conjunto, es sútil y juvenil a la vez, y totalmente apropiado en temporada de lluvias. Para complementar este look monocromático, decidí vestir una camisa tipo Henley blanca con un toque de color azul marino que se puede observar asomándose en las mangas de mi chamarra. Acompañen esto con unos lentes de sol y una mochila tipo scout y se verán completamente como estudiantes, así como yo aquí. ¿Qué opinan? ¿Alguien más extraña sus días en la escuela tanto como yo? Quién sabe, puede que me encuentre caminando por estos pasillos próximamente. En ocasiones he pensado en entrar a una maestría en mi tiempo libre, sin dejar de trabajar. O quizá simplemente tomarme un tiempo en el trabajo y dedicarme 100% a la escuela. Seguiré pensando en estas posibilidades. Sin embargo, si regreso a clases, esta vez sabré exactamente qué ponerme.

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Leather jacket Zara (Similar also by Zara), Long-sleeve Henley J Crew (Similar also by J Crew), Joggers Topman, Backpack Benrus, Shades Burberry, Shoes Aldo


I hoped you guys liked today’s post. On a side note, I want to mention that I had the honor of getting nominated by Damaris, a fellow blogger, to the Very Inspiring Blog award a few days ago. I’m incredibly humbled by this nomination, and I said that I was going to continue that positive trend among my blogger friends, so I’m using this post to do that. Please if you have time check out her blog and share some love while at it. Now here are the rules for the award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog
  2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 5 other bloggers.
  5. Contact your nominees and give a link to your post.
  6. Display the award logo (button) on your blog, whether on your sidebar or about page, or special award page.

Alright, so here it goes, 7 things about me (this was hard to come up with, but I’ll try to tell you things you probably don’t know):

  1. I wear glasses. Usually I’m wearing contact lenses but I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 5 years old.
  2. My favorite childhood movie is The Lion King and I know most of the movie (in Spanish) with dialogs and song lyrics.
  3. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was younger, but then became super into computers and programming.
  4. My favorite types of food are Italian and Japanese. Lasagna and sushi are my favorite things to eat in the world (not together of course).
  5. I love taking pictures of cities, landmarks, and people. I got my first camera during my first Internship almost 7 years ago.
  6. I would like to live at some point in my life in London or New York City.
  7. I don’t like chocolate.

To carry on with the award, I’d like to nominate the following 5 blogs:

Now it’s your time to go and share some love with these bloggers, and to all the nominees, keep the chain going! You’re awesome!

    1. Thank you very much!! I loved your blog as well. Thanks for visiting!!



  1. Oh, man…I know the feeling. The last time I walked down campus I was overwhelmed with nostalgia! The library, the early morning rush hour down Red Square…even the ducks! haha… ahhh, so many memories made in that school 🙂

    I love your bag pack, and perfect look over all!

    …And you are so sweet; thank you ever so kindly for the nomination 🙂 I’ll definitely keep the chain going on the next post. Thanks, Hector!

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Thank you Denise! I love reading about your adventures in the PNW and that’s why I nominated your blog :). I’m glad you liked the outfit!! Thanks for stopping by



  2. I would love to go and live in London. After going this past summer, I know that’s where I need to be. 😄

    Liked by 1 person


    1. I know right? I love their style and looks, I actually try to borrow from their aesthetics pretty often (that’s why I love shops like Topman or Burberry). Thanks for stopping by!!

      Liked by 1 person


  3. OMFG THIS OUTFIT IS SO BOMB!!!! That jacket is SO TIGHT. And your camera lens is really shining through here. You’re on my old stomping grounds! We should go see the cherry blossoms together! Perhaps in the morning before work to avoid the crazy amount of people?? THANK YOU for nominating my blog!! I’ll put that post on my to do list 🙂 🙂 🙂 love youuuuuuuuuuu.

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Thank you Kim!! I knew you’d like this jacket, it’s fresh isn’t it? 😀 and yeaah, getting that new lens was probably the best decision I made in a while, I love these pictures as well, they are crisper than with my previous lens and that blurry effect omg I can’t get tired of it. Of course I’ll be down to go and see the cherry blossoms before work in March with you!! Let’s do it!! And of course I had to nominate your blog 🙂 you were one of my first inspirations to start one myself and I love your style and coolness ❤



  4. Steffany Marguerite Micaela January 21, 2015 at 9:52 pm

    Nice choices!

    I think about going back to school occasionally, however, I am really enjoying buying plane tickets with my money and seeing the world at this time rather than paying tuition. I have a bachelor’s in entrepreneurship, so I can pretty much do anything I want, anywhere I want.

    The other night I was watching the movie Get Low starring Robert Duvall and thinking how your style is similar to some of the actors in that movie. You’ve probably already mentioned this on your blog but I am a new follower and I was wondering where are some places you get inspired style-wise?

    Liked by 2 people


    1. I’m glad you liked it! I know what you mean, I also travel a lot and enjoy seeing the world as well, and as a student I’ll probably be more limited both in time and money. However I think it could also be a good investment towards the future, and maybe I’d be able to retire earlier and travel even more? I haven’t seen that movie, but just by peeking at some of the pictures I do see some resemblance! Most of my style is probably inspired by two things: functionality and comfort. I like to dress according to what I’ll be doing that day, and what’s the weather going to be like. I think about what type of situations I feel I’m going to be exposed to, and how do other people dress where I’m going. At the same time, I always like to be comfortable, feel myself in every outfit. I want to make sure I’m not going to be worried about always looking perfect in an outfit. I like having some ease into it so that it looks natural but still polished, without trying too hard. I live in Seattle, so I also draw in a lot about the Pacific Northwest and the beautiful nature that surrounds me. I’m a big city guy, so I try to work with those contrasts of the mundane, everyday life of the city with the beautiful and awe-inspiring nature. Wow I could write a whole post about this! I hope I clarified your questions a bit. Thanks for reading and becoming a follower!!

      Liked by 1 person


  5. i love this outfit !! and thanks so much for nominating me !!! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    1. You’re welcome!! Make sure you continue the love chain 🙂 thanks for visiting!!



  6. […] my Geek Q’ers! Remember that on my Black on Black post I mentioned how beautiful the University of Washington gets during spring time? Well, last […]



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